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New Functionality

Claim Utilization Study

A new Claim Utilization application is introduced allowing analysis of claims paid as a proportion of the guaranteed benefit amount. This study is embedded within the Claim Termination exposure and is fully integrated and consistent with the Claim Termination study.

Paid Utilization Rate is Paid Month/Benefit Month or the monthly paid claims exposure as a proportion of the monthly contract exposure.

Aggregate claim payments for a period are defined in the source table srcClaimPymts using the ServiceFromDate and GrossClaimPaid with adjustment to benefit months made by apportioning either by month or number of days.

Expected rates can be specified by claim cause, gender, occ class, waiting period, claim age and claim mth/year. The expected rates are structured similar to the claim termination rates: monthly for 2 years and annual thereafter.

Claim Termination Study – adds analysis by Claim Payment

Claim Termination study now includes paid claims by ClaimBnftDate (ServiceFromDate) as a volume measure directly loaded from the Claim Payment application, and available in the exposure, actual and expected measure groups.

Payments that cross benefit months (as indicated by ServiceToDate) will be apportioned between the benefit months.

Claim Analysis Application Enhancements

A separate input table (srcClaimAmounts) has been introduced for Claim amounts in the Source database. This enables backcast amounts to be loaded from external sources.

Ceded Claim Amounts can now be loaded (also separate table), and Reinsurance is now a dimension in Claim Profile, Claim Event and Claim Movement applications.

Policy Snapshot filtered to Claims is now accessible in the Claim Profile and Claim Movement applications allowing snapshot policy amounts to be analyzed for open claims.

Claim Movement processing is now updated to be consistent with the Policy Movement processing.

System Documentation

System Overview Reports

The system now contains reporting on the physical description of the system including reports on SSIS Packages and SQL Jobs. The full set of reports can be found in System Reference/1. System Overview folder:

  • System Overview
  • Data Store Table Overview
  • Data Store Audit Statistics
  • SSIS Package Process SSIS Package Description
  • SQLJobTypes
  • SQLJobs
  • System Schedules

OLAP Reports

The system now contains full OLAP reporting for OLAP objects and properties, i.e. dimensions and attributes, measure groups and measures. This includes descriptions and lineage (identifying the Source database tables and columns).

In addition, there are reports for DW tables and views (dimensions and measure groups), the OLAP calculations (measures) and member defaults (attributes). The OLAP documentation tables include the framework to capture OLAP customizations for SSAS transactions and hidden entities.

The full set of reports can be found in System Reference/5. OLAP folder

  • OLAP Dimension Descriptions
  • OLAP Dimension Lineage
  • OLAP Attribute Descriptions
  • OLAP Attribute Lineage
  • OLAP Attribute Defaults
  • OLAP Measure Group Descriptions
  • OLAP Measure Group Lineage
  • OLAP Measure Descriptions
  • OLAP Measure Lineage
  • OLAP Measure Calculations

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