Maintenance and Support include access to system updates, technical support, training and documentation, escrow and preferential consulting rates.
Support Services include:
Software Issues: As no complex system can be error-free, should software failures be identified, Insight will investigate the issues, develop a solution, and release a product update to all affected clients.
Upgrades: As technology and business requirements change over time, clients have access to the latest Insight release for an upgrade project. Insight also develops a baseline upgrade script for the historical data in your current release.
System Review: As a preventive measure, we will review your installation once a year, looking at data volumes, processing times and Insight processes to identify if the Insight system is running smoothly, or whether any action needs to be taken by the client.
Additional Services
Data and client ETL issues not captured early can result in issues with load processing or the cube results. Insight can assist in identifying such issues. Where incorrect data is loaded into the Insight Enterprise system, the simplest resolution is to use Insight’s flexible load processes to reload the incorrect data. Where it is not feasible to reload data, Insight will work with a client to develop a custom update script to resolve data issues directly in the Insight data warehouse.
An upgrade project requires transforming the historical data on your current release to the data structures of the release you are upgrading to, as well as modifying your existing ETL for the new data structures. Insight can customize the base historical upgrade as part of the upgrade project script to fix any historic data issues or add new data values if required.
Training and Documentation
Insight has extensive documentation on system deployment, table mapping, load execution as well as the OLAP dimensional model and functionality.
Third-Party Escrow
While the software license agreement gives licensees rights to the software, including the right to use the source code in the event of Insight becoming insolvent, the escrow arrangement ensures that the licensee has access to the source code.
Preferential Consulting Rates
Any consulting work, beyond that covered by the support contract, is at preferential rates for clients covered by a services agreement.